France Part 3
12/24/2008 04:08:00 AM | Author: YULIANTO
An Impression of Paris

France Part 2
12/24/2008 03:46:00 AM | Author: YULIANTO
Location : France - Paris

Place de la Concorde

The Place de la Concorde is a the largest square in Paris, it is situated between the Champs-Élysées and the Tuileries Gardens. On the square are two colorful fountains and the 3300 year old Obelisk of Luxor. From this square you can see the Eiffel Tower and the Arc de Triomphe.
France Part 1
12/24/2008 03:41:00 AM | Author: YULIANTO
A view from The Eiffel Tower

Poland Part 3
12/19/2008 10:11:00 PM | Author: YULIANTO
Krakow's Planty

Planty is a huge park surrounding the old town. It was created in 1882 and replaced the defense walls and the moat. It's a great place to have a walk in the evening and have a look at some of the beautiful buildings around the park.
Poland Part 2
12/19/2008 10:04:00 PM | Author: YULIANTO
St. Mary's Basilica

The St. Mary's Basilica is one of the most important churches of Krakow. It was built in 1287-1320 in Gothic style. The Basilica is famous for it's altar piece, the largest wooden Gothic altar in Europe(3rd photo). It represent the Virgin Mary asleep and on the right and left six scenes from the life of Mary. Every hour a trumpet signal is played from the highest of the two towers. This is in remembrance of the guard struck by an arrow when warning the people of Krakow for the approaching enemy. This beautiful Basilica you can find on the main market square at the end of Florianska Street.
Poland Part 1
12/17/2008 11:31:00 PM | Author: YULIANTO
You must see it! It's really a beautiful place in Poland. Enjoy this!!

Location: Poland - Krakow

The Kanonicza street, close to Wavel.

View on the city from the Zygmunt Bell Tower in Wavel Cathedral.

Building close to the park.

From this window over the entrance gate Pope John Paul II talked to the thousands of people waiting to see him and to receive his blessing.

Statue on the main market square, next to the Belfry.

The Grunwald Monument, close to the Barbican.

House in Konanicza street where Pope John Paul II lived from 1951-1963, now an Archdiocese Museum.

Angels Underneath the Window, a statue representing the 7 sacraments.

Theatre house in Krakow.

Statue of student next to the St. Mary's Basilica
Incredible Beauty Frozen Waterfall
12/17/2008 02:32:00 AM | Author: YULIANTO
Incredible photo of a frozen waterfall in Yoho National Park in British Columbia Canada. Enjoy!

Beautiful Pictures of Winter
12/17/2008 02:11:00 AM | Author: YULIANTO
Winter is coming to an end. Let’s enjoy the last days of February. There are people who have never seen snow even in winter. The pictures below show the real winter with frost, snow and low temperatures. It’s not only white, dull and boring, like some think. It has many colors and is very beautiful. Just look here.

Beautiful Pictures of Autumn
12/15/2008 03:03:00 AM | Author: YULIANTO
It is December now. Somewhere the ground is covered with deep snow, like it is in Siberia. In other places, like Egypt, it is unbearably hot. Sometimes we do not notice the beauty, which the nature gives us. Though autumn is over, I would like to remind you of those nice autumn days, which are gone. I have collected some pictures, which show how beautiful autumn is and want to share them with you. Please, enjoy.

Beautiful Place . Bridges
12/15/2008 03:01:00 AM | Author: YULIANTO
You can usually find different cities, towns, nature of countries, mountains and so on in category “Beautiful Places”. Today here are photos of very beautiful bridges, which are situated in different cities and towns of the world. Those bridges vary depending of their age, function and type, but all of them look awesome.

Beautiful Pictures of Alaskan Nature
12/15/2008 02:58:00 AM | Author: YULIANTO
Alaska - though it’s the largest U.S. state, it is sparsely populated. Similar to Antarctica: the fewer people, the more beautiful the nature, this is why I decided to share some beautiful pictures of Alaskan nature with you. Long ago Alaska belonged to the Russian Empire, but 1867 it was sold for $7.2 million (converted to the “current dollars” the price was $102 million), well, it can be said, that Alaska was given as a gift. I’ve never been to Alaska, but I’m sure, it’s beautiful. I think, you will agree with me, when you see these wonderful pictures.

Beautiful Nature of Canada
12/15/2008 02:57:00 AM | Author: YULIANTO
Yesterday you could enjoy the beautiful views of Canada – some pictures of the city and town mountains and water bodies. I’m sure, some of you have visited these beautiful places. Today I’d like to share a piece of Canadian nature with you – and these pictures are truly impressive.

Beautiful Mountains of Canada
12/15/2008 02:52:00 AM | Author: YULIANTO
Just look at these photos – aren’t these mountains magnificent? Don’t they make you want to go there some day by all means?

Lakes and Rivers of Canada
12/14/2008 05:01:00 AM | Author: YULIANTO
Beautiful Tokyo Nights
12/14/2008 04:57:00 AM | Author: YULIANTO
Have you been to Tokyo? It used to be a small fishing village 550 years ago. And now it is really huge. This high-tech city’s population exceeds 12 million. Tokyo looks especially gorgeous at night. The photos below prove it.

Burning Sky Photos
12/14/2008 04:53:00 AM | Author: YULIANTO
Have you ever seen a red sky? It becomes so when the sun goes down at the end of the day. All objects you see on this burning background – houses, cars, people – everything looks absolutely black. Such red-black pictures can be scary and magnetic at the same time.

Beautiful Clouds Photos
12/14/2008 04:51:00 AM | Author: YULIANTO
We all know that clouds are just masses of tiny drops and frozen crystals in the atmosphere. But how beautiful they can look! Clouds can have different colors and absolutely different forms and resemble anything depending on your imagination. Below are some beautiful photos of clouds from my picture collection.

Romantic Beach Sunset Picture
12/11/2008 01:32:00 AM | Author: YULIANTO
There’s nothing as romantic as beach sunset. These are the time and the place lots of photographers like taking pictures of. Many couples had their first kiss on the beach when the sun was going down. And exactly at this time thousands of tourists around the world prefer to have a walk along the seashore. The pictures below show the colorful sights all these people enjoy. Aren’t they amazing!
Trees and Sunset
12/10/2008 02:43:00 AM | Author: YULIANTO
Grey, golden, greenish, burning skies over trees – these beautiful views create a truly romantic, thoughtful mood, especially if it’s sunset. The beauty of nature is a good antidepressant. Just look at the pictures. They are magnificent.
Life in Manhattan
12/10/2008 02:41:00 AM | Author: YULIANTO
You know how life in Manhattan is like. It has its own character and tempo, the ambience doesn’t resemble that in any other place. Manhattan life is unique. And these pictures demonstrate it like no words could describe.

The name Manhattan derives from Manna-hata, which in Lenape language means “island of many hills”, as it was written in the 1609 logbook of Robert Juet, an officer on Henry Hudson’s yacht named “Half Moon”. Since those times Manhattan has changed a lot. The pictures below show what today’s life in Manhattan is like.

Awesome Winter Picture
12/10/2008 02:38:00 AM | Author: YULIANTO