The Magic Power of Tolire Lake
11/23/2008 10:23:00 PM | Author: YULIANTO

Tolire lake is a lake that located in Ternate, North Maluku. There are two lakes that included in Tolire lake, they are Big Tolire lake and Small Tolire lake which both of them are placed in foot of Gamalama mountain. One each other are separated about 200 meter. Story about this lake started when there is a father that intimated to his daughter till the daughter get pregnant. Then both of them go far away from the community and when they were standing on a field suddenly the land was fall down and created two lakes, big lake that created by the father and small one that created by the girl.

Big Tolire lake is the often object that more visited by both tourist, domestic and tourist that come from the other country. The attractiveness that can interest tourist attention is there are many magic and belief that in Big Tolire lake. First the depth of this lake that unknown till today. It is 50 km under the side of the lake and this is 5 hectare in wide. It is guessed that the depth of lake is related with the sea.

The second interesting subject in Big Tolire lake is the belief about Invisible Crocodile. no one can see this lake except people with clean hurt that can see this crocodile. There are many kind of fish that life in in it. Many people though that the crocodile that life in this lake just trick to forbid people in catching fish to keep lake object. But you will think for twice if you want try to catch fish in it as there is a foreign that swim and he never came back. He might caught by this crocodile.

People around lake also said that there are many treasure that placed in the depth of the lake. These treasure are guessed as old people treasure that thrown into lake as they were afraid it will be took over by colonialism in 15 century ago. This belief has tested by people by sonar detection and the result the found there are metal that found in water lake.

If you still do not believe to the power of this lake you can try it by your self. You can try to throw stones into water. You will find that your first throw is not strong enough. Then you can try for twice and the same thing will see, our stone can not reach lake water. You will not stop throwing stones till you realize that the magic has cover this lake, this magic keep to not reach the lake. The people curious has created new job field for local people. They sell stone for people who want to know directly the power of this lake.

Sarangan Lake, Main Tourism Destination of Magetan
11/23/2008 10:18:00 PM | Author: YULIANTO

Sarangan lake is a tourism place that located on Magetan East Java. This lake also known as sand lake and it can be face in foot of Lawu Mountain.Sarangan Lake has 30 hectare in large and 28 meters in depth. There are many touris has come to this lake and enjoying all of objects and facilities that provided over there.

Sarangan lake is one of main tourism destination in Magetan and supported by many facilities which will make your vacation worth enough. Facilities that we can find there are hotels, Restaurants, Playing gardens and many others. With more that 19 restaurant there we can select various menus.

Some annual activities that interested enough like school holiday, Labuh sesaji, Ledug Sura and skyrocket party bcome some moment that interesting for most people to be visited and take part in crowded. We can do the other activity during spend our vacation there, like riding horse to go aroung sarangan lake, going aroung sarangan lake with ship if we we willing to pay Rp 20.000,00.

Then if you want to bring some thing for people in your home you can get many places that provide many kinds of souvenirs.

Karimunjawa,The most Challenge of Diving Object
11/23/2008 10:11:00 PM | Author: YULIANTO

This touris object is is located on north seashore of jepara, Indonesia. in this place what you can see is Menjangan Besar Island, Gemara Besar Island and Merica Island which all of them offer you beauty inside water. Make sure you have prepare Swimming equipments or diving equipment befor you start to take journey to Karimunjawa.

When you have arrived in this tourism place you will decide to stay and stay in this island as you can enjoy difference atmosphere which will not you get from the other place. Calm, fresh air, blue sky have force tourists to come and come to this place again.

But to reach this place is not easy as you have to ready at all, your physic, money and time. If you are tourist from Jakarta or east java you have to visit Jepara first. Then you will spent 7 hours to Karimunjawa.The other route that also can be your way to reach tourism object is by passing Tanjung Mas Semarang. Then you just need 3 hours to reacg Karimunjawa. Of course it is more expensive than first route.

The other challenge will face tourist as we just can go to Karimunjawa twice in a vweek. So you have to come o jepara on time in order to reach ship.

Gunung Bromo
11/23/2008 10:08:00 PM | Author: YULIANTO

Indonesia merupakan negara yang terdiri dari beribu-ribu pulau yang terbentang dari Sabang sampai Merauke.Diantara pulau-pulau tersebut terdapat beberapa pulau besar,seperti Jawa,Kalimantan,

Sulawesi,Sumatera,Irian Jaya.Pulau-pulau tersebut memiliki kekhasan yang sangat menarik untuk dibicaran, baik budaya, bahasa, adat istiadat dan lain sebagainya, dijawa misalnya.
Pulai ini terbagi atas tiga propinsi yaitu Jawa Timur, Jawa Barat dan Jawa tengah.Nama-nama tersebut menandakan letak propinsi di pulau Jawa.Jawa timur,berarti bagian pulau jawa paling timur, Jawa Barat berarti jawa paling barat.Sedangkan Jawa tengah berarti bagian yang terletak di bagian tengah pulau Jawa, yaitu antara Jawa timur dan Jawa barat.

Dipulau Jawa terdapat beraneka ragam suku bangsa yang berasal dari pulau-pulau lain, yang mana mereka mencoba untuk merubah nasib disana.Selain itu juga terdapat berbagai objek wisata yang tersebar keseluruh pulau Jawa yang memiliki daya tarik bagi para wisatawan,baik wisatawa local ataupun internasional.Di jawa timur misalnya.,terdapat berbagai objek wisata seperti wisata alam,museum,monument-monumen dan lain-lain.

Salah satu objek wisata alam yang sering di kunjungi dan sudah dikenal oleh wisatawan asing adalah gunung Bromo,objek wisata yang menawarkan keindan matahari saat terbit dan terbenam..Gunung Bromo terletak di Tengger,Probolinggo,Jawa Timur.Gunung yang memiliki ketinggian 2392 m diatas permukaan laut tersebut memiliki kawah yang berdiameter 4 km(, daerah ini bisa dikatakan sebagai daerah yang berbahaya bagi wisatawan.Selain itu untuk mencapai kawasan puncak gunung Bromo tidaklah mudah, selain karena jalannya yang sulit untuk di lewati oleh kendaraan roda empat suhu disana juga sangat dingin.Namun itu semua bukanlah suatu halangan bagi wisatawan yang memang benar-benar penggemar objek wisata alam.

Selain keindahan matahari saat terbit dan terbenam objek wisata gunung Bromo juga menawarkan keindahan lautan pasir, dimana para wisatawan dapat melihat keindahan hamparan pasir dan rerumputan yang luas sambil merasakan sejuknya angin yang berhembus.

Pada saat-saat tertentu gunung Bromo menjadi lebih ramai dari biasanya.Misalnya saat dilaksanakannya upacara yadnya yang diselenggarakan oleh suku tengger.Upacara tersebut dilaksanakan pada malam hari tanggal 15, tiap bulan menurut kalender Jawa atau sering di kenal dengan istilah malam purnama.Kegiatan ini banyak menarik rasa ingin tahu para wisatawan khususnya wisatawan asing,sehingga tidak heran jika pada saat itu ada banyak wisatawan asing.

Obyek Wisata Arum Jeram Jawa
11/23/2008 10:06:00 PM | Author: YULIANTO

Arum jeram dapat dikategorikan sebagai wisata olahraga. Wisata olah raga ini merupakan salah satu cara yang sering dilakukan bagi sebagian orang yang menyukai tantangan sebagai suatu kegiatan wisata. Arum jeram selain memerlukan tenaga yang ekstra juga memerlukan keberanian. Pada umumnya medan yang digunakan adalah berarus deras dan berbatu.

Bagi Anda yang ingin melakukan wisata olahraga arum jeram dapat menuju ke tempat-tempat berikut :

  • Sungai Serayu

Sungai Serayu merupakan salh satu sungai yang dapat dijadikan untuk wisata arung jeram. Sunagi ini terletak di Wonosobo Banjarnegara Jawa Tengah. Sungai ini mulai digunakan pada tanggal 8 Februari 2007. Panjang sungai ini kurang lebih 30 km.Disini terdapat banyak jeram sehingga akan lebih menantang.

  • Sungai Cicatih

Sungai Cicatih cicatih terletak di Sukabumi Jawa Barat. Disini adabeberapa jenis arum jeram yang dibedakan sesuai dengan usia. Misalnya untuk anak yang berusia 12 tahun dapat memilih C1-jeram dengan jarak yang dapat ditempuh 12 km.

  • Sungai Pekalen

Sunagai Pekalen terletak di Probolinggo Jawa Timur . Panjang sungai ini mencapi 29 km. Air sungaiinibersumber dari Gunung Lamongan dan Argopuro. Sepanjang pengarungan sungai ini Anda juga dapat menikmati pemandangan yang benar-benar indah karena memang penuh dengan nuansa pedesaan.

Wisata Aquarium Bawah Laut
11/23/2008 10:02:00 PM | Author: YULIANTO

Wisata Akuarium Bawah Laut

Jika Anda adalah salahsatu orang yang tidak bisa berenang jangan khawatir untuk dapt menyaksikan keindahan bawah laut secara langsung. Karena ada beberapa tempat yang bisa Anda jadikan sebagai tujuan wisata bawah laut tanpa harus melakukan diving. Obyek wisata ini berbentuk akuarium yang ada didalam laut. Dengan dilengkapi kaca bening sehingga Anda dapat menyaksikan keindahan bawah laut secara langsung.

Salah satunya adalah akuarium bawah laut yang terletak di Pulau Putri. Di pulau yang merupakan bagian dari kepulauan Seribu ini menawarkan keindahan bawah laut. Seperti birunya air laut, bermacam-macam terumbu karang.

Selain itu obyek wisata yang sejenis yang bisa Anda coba adalah SEAWORLD yang ada di ancol.Disana Anda bisa menikmati berbagai macam jenis makhluk laut yang telah dikoleksi.Ini berbeda dengan akuarium bawah laut yang ada di Pulau Putri. Jika di Pulau Putri panorama bawah laut yang kita saksikan adalah asli sedangkan yang ada di Seaworld ancol merupakan panorama ciptaan. Selain itu perbedaannya Anda harus mengeluarkan uang sejumlah Rp 30.000 per orang sedangkan untuk menikmati keindahan di akuarium Pulau Putri Anda tidak peru memungut uang sepeserpun.

Jika Anda berkesampatan untuk berwisata cobalah kedua tempat tersebut sebagai tujuan wisata Anda

Selamat berwisata…………….

Sepuluh Tempat Wisata Pantai Terindah di Dunia
11/18/2008 11:20:00 PM | Author: YULIANTO

Fernando de Noronha

Mungkin pantai terindah di dunia ini yang dimana hanya segelintir orang saja yang tau. Salah satu Unesco World Heritage Site ini merupakan “the most beautiful marine park in the World”


The best CALM BEACHES in the world. Indah, tenang, modern dan secluded. Kombinasi yang amat jarang ditemukan di pantai2 di dunia ini. Selamat datang di Maldives.


Peringkat pertama di top 10 World Best beaches of 2005 Discovery Channel Travel and Adventure tentunya bukan cuma omong kosong. Anguilla punya segalanya. Ketenangan, kebersihan, modern, lengkap dengan kehidupan pulau kecilnya yang benar-benar “carribean”


Pantai terindah, dan terbiru di lautan pacific.

Horseshoe Bay

Bermuda merupakan salah satu tempat termahal untuk berwisata pantai di dunia ini. Tapi itu tidak menghalangi ribuan turis datang mengunjungi pulau ini setiap tahunnya. Cuaca yang bersahabat, calm water and waves, crystal clear water, dan pasir pinknya Horseshoey bay nyaris tak ada tandingannya di belahan planet ini. The best beach and island in Carribean!

Kondoi, Coral beach Okinawa

Okinawa. Kepulauan teraman di dunia ini. Pintu rumah2 penduduknya saja tidak pernah terkunci. 3 dari 10 orang tertua di dunia ini tinggal di kepulauan ini. Hasil dari suasana pedesaan jepang yang khas berpadu dengan pantai-pantai indah? Magnificent!Walau mahal.

Lanikai Beach

Pantai ini tidak begitu besar, tapi merupakan pantai dengan air terjernih dan terbiru di hawaii. Lengkap dengan pemandangan dua pulau kecil yang bernama Mokuluas di kejauhan. Selamat tinggal waikiki!

Mnmbe Lodge, Tanzania

Pantai terindah di Benua Africa, walau tidak terletak di Africa mainland. Perjalanan ke zanzibar tidaklah mudah, tapi jika anda telah samapai di pantai ini, semuanya serasa menjadi berharga.

Tulum Beach

Salah satu resort pertama yang ada di Mexico. Mungkin dari ratusan tahun sebelumnya juga sudah dipakai oleh Bangsa Maya sebagai resort. Pernah bermimpi berenang di Pantai yang berpasir putih, tenang dan relax diiringi oleh Background piramid-piramid mayan? Selamat datang di mimpimu.


7 Kilometer Pantai Pasir putih terbersih dan salah satu yang paling terisolir di dunia tentunya sudah pasti bisa mencukupi kebutuhan relaxing kita bukan? Kacamata hitam adalah keharusan di pantai ini saking putihnya pasir pantai ini.

Interesting Place in Kalimantan Island at Indonesia
11/18/2008 11:16:00 PM | Author: YULIANTO


In the Dutch East Indies time, Kalimantan was known as Borneo. It didn’t mean that Kalimantan name was not known. Because of in the current time of the colonial Dutch East Indies government Kalimantan name more was known than the Borneo name for Kalimantan peoples. The Kalimantan name began to be popular again in around the 1940’s. In the 18th age, most of Kalimantan territories from the Sambas country until the Berau country were the subordinate kingdom of the Banjar Sultanate, but at the end it goes shrank to a small part of the South Kalimantan territory today because of the agreement with the Dutch. In the Karang Intan Agreement of Prince Nata Dilaga government (Susuhunan Nata Alam) (1808-1825), the Banjar Sultanate gave some of his territory to the Dutch East Indies government among them was Bulungan territory, Kutai, Pasir, Pagatan and Kotawaringin. The others area that was also given to Netherlands was the Porcupine, Sambas, Sintang and Sukadana. Only the core territory of the Banjar Sultanate that had not yet fall in the hand of Netherlands until 1860. Further in the 19th age, the Netherlands acknowledged the establishment of kingdoms (district area) that was direct command by the head of Bumiputera who was submitted under the Dutch authority (Indirect Bestuur). In the period of the Islam religion several Hindu kingdoms changed to the Islam Kingdom that had the nature of the Malay culture. Before the present of Moslem religious most of Kalimantan peoples were categorized cultured Dayak that consisted of the person Dayak, Melayu Hindu and Javanese Hindu.

Tanjung Puting National Park

You can participate in "orangutan tour". There are "Orangutan Rehabilitiation Centre" at Tanjung Harapan, Pondok Tanggui, and Camp Leakey. This is Indonesia's first orangutan rehabilitiation centre

You can try spend a night at boat called klotok or at wooden house in the middle of junggle

The existence of Tanjung Puting is important for the well-being of the surrounding local human population. The wetlands provide vital ecological services such as flood control, stream control regulation, erosion control, natural biological filtration system, and seasonal nurseries for fish which are the major source of local animal protein. Many of these services have an impact well beyond the local area. For instance, the waters surrounding Tanjung Puting attract fishing vessels from many different parts of Indonesia.

Comment(0) 2008-08-21 22:03:00

Menara Keagungan

Interesting tower in Gorontalo. It's height are 65 meters and have five floors.

Floor I : office and meeting
Floor II : restaurant
Floor III : souvenir shop Floor IV : -
Floor V : -

From the most top of tower, you can see almost all place in Gorontalo

Interesting Place in Sumatra Island at Indonesisa
11/18/2008 11:01:00 PM | Author: YULIANTO


Sumatera was one of the island that located in Indonesia widely 443.065,8 km2. Administratively Sumatra was divided into 8 province territories that are Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam, North Sumatra, South Sumatra, West Sumatra, Riau, Lampung, Bangka Belitung and Bengkulu. Whereas in this island can be found various ethnic group and culture like Aceh, Batak, Melayu, Minangkabau, Lampung, Palembang and Rejang. This island had tour potential that was spread in each province among others Toba lake, Nias island, Air Manis beach, Leuser mountain, and many more. Moreover sumatera is also one of the island in Indonesia that famous with nature resources potential especially petroleum and Gas.

Siberut Island

Last time I went to Siberut. Biggest island in Mentawai.
For me, the best part are on North Siberut

The beach still quite virgin. White sand, a lot of coconut tree, big wave.
Some local people said he saw 10 meters wave.

Be carefull if you're going there when the wave is high...

There are risk, but it's worth

Pulau Sabang (Aceh)

Sabang island or often mentioned as Weh island was located on the north of Banda Aceh was known having the potential of nature beauty that so beautiful, among others are the sea park of rubiah island and the Iboh beach. Where does the Indonesia pillar Km-0 also located in this island.

To reach to this island can be cover a distance by using the sea transport. Departed from the malahayati port in Banda Aceh that approximately will need 2 hours trip to arrive Balohan port in Sabang island. There are two kinds of ferry that was available, fast ferry and slowest one. The average cost of fast ferry from Rp. 60,000.- to Rp. 80.000,- whereas the slow ferry revolved Rp. 15.000,-.


Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam is the most west Indonesian region widely ± 55.390 km². At the center of Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam province be spread out bukit Barisan mountain range.

The most beauty of Aceh nature are tropical forest, slope of hills, and Merapi mountain. The mount Merapi that growth with the luxuriant forest having many sources of hot water and the lake, as well as the forest personally was a good habitat for several animals and remain rare plants.

Aceh is also famous with the traditional food among others are sheep curry, big crab, big shrimp, cockle shells, and turtle egg. Sheep curry is very delicious when eaten with cane bread.

Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam province have four ethics that are Aceh, Gayo, Alas, and Tamiang. Aceh ethnic is majority group that living in coastal area. Each ethnic have the own exclusive like language, literature, music, dance, and tradition.

Lake Toba

Lake Toba is the largest lake in the world. It places near Medan. There are a lot of entertaintment : golf, fishing, trekking.

A lot of nice souvenirs there, most of them are wood carvings.

Don't forget to visit Samosir Island, beautifull island in the middle of the lake. Yes, island in the middle of lake.

Interesting Place in Bali Island at Indonesia
11/04/2008 06:08:00 PM | Author: YULIANTO


Bali is an Indonesian island located at 8°25′23″S, 115°14′55″ECoordinates: 8°25′23″S, 115°14′55″E, the western most of the Lesser Sunda Islands, lying between Java to the west and Lombok to the east. It is one of the country's 33 provinces with the provincial capital at Denpasar towards the south of the island. The island is home to the vast majority of Indonesia's small Hindu minority. It is also the largest tourist destination in the country and is renowned for its highly developed arts, including dance, sculpture, painting, leather, metalworking and music.


Kuta in addition to being the Sunset Site Number One, with its daily spectacular sunsets, it is also the centre of night life activities in Southern Bali and a shopping mecca, with its lines of shops, boutiques, and galleries. Restaurants line up the streets as well as the Bachfront,Hotels, ranging from a small, inexpensive homestay to a luxurious resort, will ready accomodate you.

The beach of Kuta is one of the first favorite beaches discovered by tourist. On the south, the beach is fenced by the airport’s runway, which gives you a breathtaking landing experience. The beach stretches as far north as the eyes can see. As short walk away north, waves will invite you to test your surfing

Kuta is very short drive away from the airport, and transportation is readily available to take you from and to Kuta to and from anywhere else in Bali.

Tanjung benoa

Not so far from Nusa Dua, you can try your courage to have water sport like Parasailing, banana boats, Jetsky, snorkling, and diving. I was enjoy the game above very much. The cost of the game are:

  1. Parasailing: Rp 75,000 for 10 minute/person/ride (for several people, you could ask for the discount)
  2. Jet Ski: Rp 150 thousand (30 minutes/ride)
  3. Banana Boat: Rp 100 thousand (15 minutes/ride/ person)
  4. Snorkling: Rp 75 thousand /person/2 the hour. In the Benoa Flying Fish Cape: Rp 120 thousand of /15 menit/3 person
  5. Diving: Rp 300,000/person/2 hours (the tariff could be higher depended on the location in the Benoa Cape or in Nusa lembongan - one island near Nusa Penida)

Garuda Wisnu Kencana ( GWK )

Garuda Wisnu Kencana are 10 kilomete from Jimbaran. We will meet Garuda Wisnui Kencana there. To enter this complex we must pay as big as 10.000 per the person and 5.000 for the car for import duty. The area of this complex are more than 200 hektare and was located on the hill where we could see the Jimbaran coast, Kuta, and the Benoa Cape from the top of the hill.

Telaga Waja

About 2.5 hours rafting, 12.5 km. There are direct transportation from nerest hotel to rafting place. The cost are about Rp. 230.000,00 per person. Everyone between 7 - 65 can join the adventure!

If you bring camera, they will give you waterproof bag. Only 5 person per boat (including instructor). The service are professional.

Tanah Lot

Tanah Lot, one of the most popular places of interest in Bali, is located on the coast of West Bali, at the village of Beraban in the Tabanan Regency.
It is also called Tanah Let which means ancient land and also Tanah Lod, which means the land to the south.

The temple Pura Tanah Lot, simple in its construction, is dramatic in its ocean-front location and is one of the main temples in the worship of Balinese gods.

Tanah Lot has a long history in the world of tourism.
The temple itself is built on a small promontory which is only accessible at low tide.
During high water the rock takes on the appearance of a large boat at sea, such is its shape.

Poisonous snakes live in the nearby caves to 'guard' the temple and contribute to the temple's dangerous reputation.

Sunset is the best time to visit Tanah lot, when the golden red skies frame the temple and waves crash into the rocks.
It is advisable to avoid the tourist crush here as it can be severe.

Elephant Safari Park

The park is ideal for all the family and is open 7 days a week. Officially opened by the Minister of Tourism in the year 2000 after three years of development. An official member of the World Zoo Association, the Park meets International Standards for animal care and is set in more than 2 hectares of exotic eco tourism landscaped botanical gardens, surrounded by national forest. Acclaimed as the World's Best Elephant Park, facilities include a full Reception and Information Centre, a comprehensive Museum, with a large collection of elephant memorabilia and the only Mammoth Skeleton in South East Asia.

Displays of elephant intelligence and their capabilities can be viewed at the Park Arena and elephants can also be seen painting at selected times daily.

Take a Safari Ride atop a Sumatran Elephant through the Park and surrounding forest area

Canangsari Restaurant

Cangangsari prides itself on being one of the only restaurants in Sanur that provides “exclusive dining with classical Balinese dances.” Dine on Asian or European food while watching the legong, joged or frog dances. This large, alfresco restaurant offers a smattering of Korean, Japanese, Chinese and Indonesian dishes. Sample the chicken sate, tempura or dim sum while listening to the traditional sounds of a gamelan band. Cangangsari also whips up a good selection of traditional Balinese food and seafood. Although a bit on the pricey side, Canangsari's performances are well worth it. Take advantage of the free transport in the Sanur area. Average price per person: IDR55,000


Less developed than Bali, Lombok has better beaches, a bigger volcano and more varied landscapes. Tourism is still low key, and many visitors are independent travellers drawn by the island's intoxicating diving and snorkelling, hiking and surf spots, as well as Lombok's intriguing endemic culture.


Sanur has retained its village atmosphere and tends to attract a more mature clientele and families, with most younger people preferring to stay in Kuta. Oddly enough though, Sanur also hosts the island’s red-light district, hidden in alleyways away from the hotel area!

1. The Grand Bali Beach Area
2. SINAHU - A classy area with good hotels on the beach, a boardwalk, an art market and good eating.
3. BATUJIMBA - Mainly villas belonging to the Indonesian elite and expatriates.
4. SENAWANG - South from the Bali Hyatt. Home to some pricey restaurants and the seedy red-light district.