Interesting Place in Sumatra Island at Indonesisa
11/18/2008 11:01:00 PM | Author: YULIANTO


Sumatera was one of the island that located in Indonesia widely 443.065,8 km2. Administratively Sumatra was divided into 8 province territories that are Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam, North Sumatra, South Sumatra, West Sumatra, Riau, Lampung, Bangka Belitung and Bengkulu. Whereas in this island can be found various ethnic group and culture like Aceh, Batak, Melayu, Minangkabau, Lampung, Palembang and Rejang. This island had tour potential that was spread in each province among others Toba lake, Nias island, Air Manis beach, Leuser mountain, and many more. Moreover sumatera is also one of the island in Indonesia that famous with nature resources potential especially petroleum and Gas.

Siberut Island

Last time I went to Siberut. Biggest island in Mentawai.
For me, the best part are on North Siberut

The beach still quite virgin. White sand, a lot of coconut tree, big wave.
Some local people said he saw 10 meters wave.

Be carefull if you're going there when the wave is high...

There are risk, but it's worth

Pulau Sabang (Aceh)

Sabang island or often mentioned as Weh island was located on the north of Banda Aceh was known having the potential of nature beauty that so beautiful, among others are the sea park of rubiah island and the Iboh beach. Where does the Indonesia pillar Km-0 also located in this island.

To reach to this island can be cover a distance by using the sea transport. Departed from the malahayati port in Banda Aceh that approximately will need 2 hours trip to arrive Balohan port in Sabang island. There are two kinds of ferry that was available, fast ferry and slowest one. The average cost of fast ferry from Rp. 60,000.- to Rp. 80.000,- whereas the slow ferry revolved Rp. 15.000,-.


Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam is the most west Indonesian region widely ± 55.390 km². At the center of Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam province be spread out bukit Barisan mountain range.

The most beauty of Aceh nature are tropical forest, slope of hills, and Merapi mountain. The mount Merapi that growth with the luxuriant forest having many sources of hot water and the lake, as well as the forest personally was a good habitat for several animals and remain rare plants.

Aceh is also famous with the traditional food among others are sheep curry, big crab, big shrimp, cockle shells, and turtle egg. Sheep curry is very delicious when eaten with cane bread.

Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam province have four ethics that are Aceh, Gayo, Alas, and Tamiang. Aceh ethnic is majority group that living in coastal area. Each ethnic have the own exclusive like language, literature, music, dance, and tradition.

Lake Toba

Lake Toba is the largest lake in the world. It places near Medan. There are a lot of entertaintment : golf, fishing, trekking.

A lot of nice souvenirs there, most of them are wood carvings.

Don't forget to visit Samosir Island, beautifull island in the middle of the lake. Yes, island in the middle of lake.

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